Creating An Account

Some of you have asked how to access your patterns.

Our website allows you to download patterns from your account, and the downloads do not expire. 

To access previously purchased patterns, you'll need to log into your account or set up a new account.

How-to create an account:

1. Click the "My Account" icon on the top right of the website. 

2. Under "Create Account," complete your name, email, and password. **It's essential to use the email address originally used to purchase patterns. The patterns are tied to your email address. You can access previously purchased patterns regardless of whether you set up an account when purchasing. 



3. Click - I am not a robot. Submit.




4. You will receive an email with a link to verify your email address. Locate the email. 




5. If the email does not appear in your inbox, check the spam folder. 




6. Open your email. Click the link to activate your account.



7. Open your LLK account. Click "All Downloadable Files" to access your entire pattern library. Alternatively, click "File/s" to access pattern/s purchased in a single order.





8.  Click individual patterns names to access a pattern. 




9. Download the pattern, projector files, and A0 file!! Yes -- LLK patterns include projector and A0 print shop files.



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